Researcher launches “Researcher Live”, adding live, user-managed audio events to the Researcher content discovery platform

"Researcher Live" will make it easier than ever for scientists and peers to take part in the global conversation around science.
Now more than ever the world depends on scientific advances to help solve the world’s biggest and toughest problems – across healthcare, society and technology. Two factors are critical to scientists’ ability to meet this challenge: firstly, getting high-quality content and information into the right hands at the right time so that research work can be informed and inspired; secondly, giving scientists and researchers the opportunity to shape their work through review, discussion, collaboration and debate with their peers.
Researcher was founded in 2017 to meet the first of those challenges; to ensure that no scientist ever missed vital information that could accelerate or change the course of their research work. Since 2017 we’ve made over 8 million papers discoverable to over 2 million scientists and researchers from across the globe.
We’ve now made it our mission to answer the second challenge – to make it easier than ever to listen in to and take part in the global conversation around science. With Researcher Live we want to help the world’s scientists and researchers gather and share ideas with their peers from all over the world – peers who they never previously would have had the chance to connect outside of a conference setting. At the same time, we want to expand the reach of scientific ideas to the fullest extent by helping scientific authors to disseminate their work, and to help them understand where and with whom it’s had an impact.
About the feature:
Researcher Live allows users to host a live audio session inside the Researcher app – analogous to a cross between a live podcast and a radio call-in. Researcher users – and non-Researcher users who have an invite link – can drop in and listen to the session from their phone or computer. Live listeners can raise their hands to ask a question, with the host able to select who to call on, and hosts can present slides or images as part of their talk. Live sessions can be private, with access granted only to people who have a unique invite link, or can be public. To facilitate the widest possible dissemination, public Live sessions can be promoted – for free – through Researcher’s advertising technology to all Researcher users who are interested in the topic to drive high-quality attendees.
Both hosting and attending Researcher Live sessions are completely free.
Researcher Live has a variety of applications. Upcoming Live sessions include:
- Research presentations around newly published papers, including 2021 Hickinbottom Award winner Professor Vijay Chudasama talking about his group’s recent work on the development of reagents and strategies for site-selective protein modification to enable targeted therapy, imaging and diagnostics.
- “Meet the publisher” sessions where current and prospective authors have the chance to engage with journal managers and editors in an informal Q&A format, including with Simon Holt, the Senior Publisher for Microbiology at Elsevier.
- Author education, where early career researchers have the chance to take part in workshops with educators and publishing coaches, including sessions run by Edanz, a leading author services company.
- A talk by Professor Renata Gomes, Chief Scientific Officer at Blind Veterans UK, on Victory Over Blindness
- Presentation by Dr Sina Javankhoshdel, Geomechanics Specialist at Rocscience on Probalistic Slope Stability Analysis
- Private group literature review forums, where research groups convene to discuss the latest papers.
Researcher CEO Olly Cooper: “We’re incredibly excited to have launched Researcher Live – it represents a step change for our platform and the value that we’re able to offer our users. We know that conversations between scientists and researchers are the lifeblood of the scientific process – creating inspiration, shaping ideas and driving research forward. We hope that Researcher Live can enrich and accelerate that process by enabling scientists and researchers from across the world to listen in and take part in the conversation”.
About Researcher
Researcher is a mobile and web platform that aims to make sure academics never miss important research. Users can follow the latest papers from over 18,000 journals, preprints and other sources of research content and Researcher combines them into one personalised social media style feed. Over 2 million academics are already using Researcher to stay up to date with the most recent and relevant publications.
To learn more about Researcher and its users, you can watch this video. Download the app for free by searching for “researcher” in your smartphone’s app store.